Here's a small sampling of maintenance projects we have completed over the years.

Drone-based aerial roof inspection

ReConstruction Services is pleased to offer drone-based aerial roof inspections. The aerial photographs aid our team in locating any damaged areas and thus determining the scope of repairs needed. Regardless of the roofing system (Tile, TPO, EPDM, Hydrostop 3-step, Asphalt 3-tab, Architectural, or Slateline Composition Shingles), ReConstruction Services can help you with wind damage insurance claims, roof assessments, and much more!

The images below depict a flight above the beautiful, historic Idlewild Presbyterian Church (located in Memphis, TN).

Parking lot line re-striping

Re-striping your parking lot annually or every 18 months is an economical way to spruce up your parking lot, enhance the safety of your customers, and comply with ADA requirements. 

Gutter cleaning